Seeing Fire

“I just felt like I was finally being the best version of myself that I always aspired to be.”

This summer has had its share of ups and downs here at Tresor Space. There have been a lot of changes around here, from our former storage, side room transforming into a fully-livable bedroom with a storage loft. The cuddle puddle has also gained a few extra plants, and the gallery has been cleared of many old belongings that would collect dust.

More-so than the physical changes that have occurred here, are the changes that have happened to the people who have passed through here. Last year, Tresor Space was just getting started. It used to be all-white walls; a fully blank canvas that could have become anything. Since then, it has acted as a photo/dance studio, bed and breakfast, post-party decompression, and home for people who visit us here in Baltimore. If last year was spent building up the hosting capacity of this place, this past summer was spent sharing it with visitors, friends, and family members. The reaction is usually the same, with guests asking how a space like this even exists or operates. We then go through the litany of explanations:

tresor space in the beginning

tresor space in the beginning

tresor space - original kitchen

tresor space - original kitchen

“No we don’t own this place, but we have invested a lot of money here in the hopes that it will repay in emotional fulfillment."

“Four people live here and yes rent is very doable despite how big the space is.” “

No we don’t have to put everything back to the way it was after we leave; the future tenants will inherit what we have built here.”

“Yes it was very daunting to take in this place back when we didn’t know what to expect from it.”

The best thing about this place is that it has represented how a dream and vision can come to life. A little over a year ago, I can still remember wanting to live in a warehouse that I could call me own, and now I am living in a vibrant space that I can not only call my home, but also can call a community space. One of the BROS dancers shared with me that he enjoyed coming over to tresor space for dancing, and appreciated that it was not just a home but also a place to gather people together.


That’s part of our vision; to bring people together to our vision that comes to life every single day.

Gruntled Onesies

"Whenever there's something near my mouth, I have a natural inclination to eat it."
~Rachel Belkin, RPCV

It's been a gruntling and exhausting few weeks here at tresor space. We've hosted Halloween gatherings, hungover brunches, and as of recently a 4am comedown after nights well-lived dancing against the patriarchy, flailing to Dan Deacon at The Compound, and burning at the National Monument.

"I want to be a good witch."

"I want to be a good witch."

What can I say other than that this place has now hosted several friends from many walks of life. Many visitors have stated that this place is not only ideal for preparing for an adventure, but also for the aftermath of an adventurous night "painting the town" when all you want to do is sink into a warm couch as the ambient murmurs of the new Bon Iver album accompanied by the colorful glow of hue lights hanging from the ceiling.

"We live in Mount Vernon."

"We live in Mount Vernon."

"Yeah, I don't think that your loft floor will collapse..."

"Yeah, I don't think that your loft floor will collapse..."

"Dude, this is awesome!"

"Dude, this is awesome!"

What I have started to learn is the potential of this place. It's a guilty pleasure of ours to bring in someone into our space and see them marvel at the new projects and endeavors on which we worked. It's starting to be a running joke that as soon as a new visitor stops by, Sean immediately shows off the colored hue lights, the sound system, and his hippy-trap of a room while I show them the kitchen, lofts, and general cleanliness of an artist residence.

"We definitely survived Peace Corps."

"We definitely survived Peace Corps."

"The Queen ain't got nothin' on me... Also I'm so cold."

"The Queen ain't got nothin' on me... Also I'm so cold."

Let's just say that these days mantle us with creative outlets and gruntle us so much.